Differents forms to use interactive platforms used for ODL

By Redação InterClad
Maio 14, 2020
, By Redação InterClad
Maio 14, 2020

Distance learning has emerged as a force for revolutionary change within the educational market; its expansion is reaching further and further into this field at an unprecedented scale. Its appearance on the scene is a direct consequence of the 5th...
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Virtual Reality X Augmented Reality: Do you know the difference?

By Redação InterClad
Maio 14, 2020
, By Redação InterClad
Maio 14, 2020
, By Redação InterClad
Maio 14, 2020
, By Redação InterClad
Maio 14, 2020

It is quite common to confuse virtual reality with augmented reality: these are two tech related concepts that are revolutionizing entertainment, consumption and education the world over.
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