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Differents forms to use interactive platforms used for ODL

Distance learning has emerged as a force for revolutionary change within the educational market; its expansion is reaching further and further into this field at an unprecedented scale.

Its appearance on the scene is a direct consequence of the 5th technological generation, which is known for bringing about the inclusion of new technologies on the web. In ODL, form and substance are directly linked to the dissemination of content and learning effectiveness. 

Selecting a format that is best suited for an info-product is one of the main points to consider in order to reach your target audience. Ebooks, video lessons, webinars, chats and podcasts are just some of the tools used for the distribution and dissemination of content in a digital environment. 

These tools differ mainly in the type of interaction and communication used - synchronous or asynchronous. Each of these modalities meets specific objectives and needs and will make the difference for the student once he or she finds the one best suited for their routine and purpose. 

Synchronous x Asynchronous Tools

Synchronous tools are those in which simultaneous access is necessary, both for students and tutors and/or teachers, that is, all those involved must be connected at a predefined time and place for the execution of activities and monitoring of content. 

It is very similar to a classroom where the instructor predefines the the course material to be covered according to at his or her own discretion in accordance with a syllabus, where then, the students can learn in this shared space in question forums as well as real-time real time online classes. 

This is the main advantage of synchronous tools: real-time interaction at a given moment where access to the content can be viewed by all those involved. Another advantage is the development of communication between participants and instant feedback on the main themes surrounding each topic.

Examples of synchronous tools used in ODL:

Chats : Including chat rooms and interactive online chat, where students can exchange information among themselves and also ask questions to their tutors and instructors. 
Webconferences: are shared spaces - audio and/or image resources, where students have access to the class at the moment it is being transmitted. 

Asynchronous tools do not require real time interaction. In this type of framework, the tool makes contents available in digital locations which the student can access at any time, usually through links, being able to review and consult it as many times as he or she wants during the full paid period for each course.

This type of learning environment gives more independence to the students because is real time connection is not required. Another characteristic of asynchronous tools is related to the pace of learning, which in this case is depends on each students individual needs, that is, each student may follow the content according to their understanding and follow-up. 

This fact supports active learning, which demands from the student a certain autonomy in the search for information and materials, and should be based on a routine workload predefined for the studies which later they may ask questions to the instructor- which will be answered at his or her discretion as quickly as possible. 

Some examples of asynchronous tools:

Ebooks - one of the most widely used educational material within distance learning, digital books allow for a more specialized study on themes and serves as a basis for the development of knowledge and the search for new information. It uses graphic and textual elements in the dissemination of content.

Forums - spaces for debate on various topics, they enable interested parties to access extensive discussion threads available in a database.

E-mail - used to exchange information, materials and content. Promotes greater proximity among participants and development of answers and comments in greater depth. 

Regardless of the tool chosen and the type of interaction it has, the analysis and identification of what is sought within a course is essential both to consume and to produce info-products and from this selection it will be possible to develop materials in sync with the market allowing for greater planning and viability to effectively reach your target audience and / or your personal goal.