
Virtual Reality X Augmented Reality: Do you know the difference?

Escrito por Redação InterClad | 14/05/2020 19:31:40

It is quite common to confuse virtual reality with augmented reality: these are two tech related concepts that are revolutionizing entertainment, consumption and education the world over.

When these new technologies are utilized, whatever the circumstance or strategy, the user experience changes completely - forcing him/her to leave a comfort zone while increasing the level of attention and expectation.

So what exactly is the main the difference between virtual and augmented reality?

augmented reality
The objective of augmented reality is to incorporate digital elements into our own reality; it popularly generates  a multiplier effect, either stimulated by the senses or by new information and interaction formats.

Normally augmented reality can be found in 4D Movie Theaters, games (Pokemón Go, for example), apps, social network filters , among others.

Virtual reality
Virtual reality creates a new immersive environment, prompting the induction of visual, sound and tactile effects in a simulated environment. It can be interactive or not. Some examples of this technological format present in our daily lives include: Creating scenarios for a history class, police training, real estate sales, etc.

To design these environments, specific elements are usually used, such as glasses, booths, special purpose rooms, among other equipment and tools.

A Global trend
Another interesting factor to consider is that according to the global intelligence platform HolonIQ, the largest global investments in educational technology will be in both Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Investments are expected to jump from $1.8 billion in 2018 to $12.6 billion in 2025.

Knowing the difference between these two tools is just the beginning.

Understanding the ways that these technologies can bring about new possibilities to education is the path forward!